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"PENSATE CHE LE MEDIE SIANO LA COSA PEGGIORE CHE VI SIA MAI CAPITATA? ALLORA NON AVETE ANCORA PASSATO UN’ESTATE AL CAMPEGGIO WANNAMORRA! Scordatevi i pomeriggi a poltrire in riva al lago e le grigliate sotto le stelle… Al Wannamorra il piatto forte sono i broccoli, i bungalow sono fatiscenti e la mattina c’è… LA SCUOLA!!! E come al solito Rafe non riesce a stare lontano dai guai, ma questa volta è in buona compagnia… FIDATEVI, QUESTA NON VE LA VOLETE PERDERE!"
- ISBN: 8867158511
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 320
- Data di uscita: 28-08-2014
Rafe Katchadorian, a boy who is usually is always getting himself into trouble, wanted to enjoy his summer at home relaxing and enjoying his time. But suddenly his mom realized his grades weren't to good in school, so she sent him and his sister to a camp called Camp Wannamora where he made friends
This was such a fun book! Bullies watch out - don't pick on the needs. They'll outsmart you everytime!!
Учебната година започна преди по-малко от месец, но ако вече ви е дошло до гуша, защо не прочетете нещо по-ваканционно? Препоръчваме ви за целта „Как преборих броколите, побойниците и Змийския хълм” (изд. „ПАН”). С какво ще ни изненада този път Джеймс Патерсън в четвъртата (и най-новата издадена у н Leggi tutto
How I survived Bullies, Broccoli, and Snake Hill is a good fiction book. It covers the story of Raef Katchadoryen, A middle school student who has a knack for breaking rules. After Reaf does not do so well in school he is put in a summer school where he has to survive bullies, broccoli, and snake hi Leggi tutto
This was another fun addition to the "Middle School" series being put out under the James Patterson seal of approval. The series, which is a fun combination of cartoons and narration, is focused on Rafe Khatchadorian. He is done with school for the summer ... well sorta. Over summer vacation, he wil Leggi tutto
One of the best books from the series. I liked everything about it!
A hilarious book, perfect for summer. Guess when I get home from vacation I will buy the rest of the series.
**9e livre de mon défi personnel de lire un livre en anglais par mois en 2024. **Acheté usagé sans en avoir jamais entendu parler. **Fait partie d'une série mais peut se lire sans avoir lu les autres. Il y a quelques mentions des autres aventures. **L'auteur James Patterson, est-ce que c'est le même q Leggi tutto
I did like this book but it was not as hilarious as "I Funniest" another book in the series of Middle School. Rafe Khatchadorian the main character who is in all the Middle School books goes to Summer Camp but he doesn't like it there are a lot of rules and more rules. He does make some new friends, Leggi tutto
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