Maximum Ride. Il volo finale
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Dopo aver sconfitto Omega, terribile mutante creato dai Camici Bianchi ' il gruppo di scienziati che li ha usati come cavie ', i ragazzi sono stati condotti a Washington dalla fidata dottoressa Martinez, che Max ormai chiama mamma. Nonostante la protezione della donna, però, lo stormo è costretto di nuovo a fuggire: il governo infatti vorrebbe servirsi di loro, offrendo in cambio una casa sicura e la possibilità di frequentare una scuola speciale. Max tuttavia fiuta la trappola e porta lo stormo in salvo in Antartide, dove si unisce a un gruppo di ricercatori che sta studiando gli effetti del riscaldamento globale. Ma neppure il continente più inospitale della Terra si rivela un nascondiglio adeguato: mentre il potere di ogni ragazzo si evolve ulteriormente, nuove, più potenti creature sono sulle loro tracce, con il preciso ordine di fermarli per sempre'
- ISBN: 8850222696
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 256
- Data di uscita: 14-10-2010
My problem with the story wasn't so much that James Patterson used it as a soapbox for global warming -- after all, it's his book, and he can do what he wants. The problem, as I see it, is there was NO WAY he started writing this series with a plan to make Max's "saving the world mission" one that h Leggi tutto
What the hell was that? I've been enjoying the humor and action and adventure of this series (even though they are "young adult" and I'm anything but) . . . but this? OK, yeah, it had the humor. And about two chapters of action and adventure. The rest was penguins and Antarctica and snow and OHNOESG Leggi tutto
Eew. This book sucked SOOO BAD. James Patterson seems to have a talent for making every next book in this series worse than the one before. I declare the Maximum Ride series as now officially RUINED. This book was boring, full of lecturing global warming yapper (all of which I already KNOW) and lack Leggi tutto
The release of a sequel is an anticipated event, especially if the sequel is written by a wildly-popular, best-selling author like James Patterson. Approximately 4.8 million copies have been sold of the previous three books in the Maximum Ride series, so hopes were high that Final Warning, the new i Leggi tutto
Quite a disapointment, compared to the other three books. It's about a third of the size, and is not nearly as good as the others. Where is the HEART POUNDING ACTION? The WITTY SARCASTIC HUMOR? The SUSPENSE that makes you wanna CRY everytime you are forced to put the book down. I've heard rumors that Leggi tutto
Maximum Ride was created to save the world. Now she just needs to figure out how the voice in her head thinks she's going to do this. With the rest of her flock of Avian-Human hybrids, Max moves from taking down evil corporations to stopping global warming ('cause penguins are cute and hurricanes are Leggi tutto
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