Jacky Ha-Ha. La vita è un gioco da ragazze
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Jacky Hart è pronta per una bella, rilassante e pigra estate a Seaside Heights e vorrebbe solo divertirsi con i suoi amici e recitare sulla spiaggia Sogno di una notte di mezza estate. Purtroppo i suoi genitori hanno ben altri programmi per lei: dovrà trovarsi un lavoro e badare alle sue sorelle minori. E così Jacky dovrà barcamenarsi agilmente tra prove teatrali, turni di babysitting, strani pretendenti e i baracchini del luna park. Riuscirà a gestire tutti i suoi importanti impegni e divertirsi lo stesso con i suoi amici, o capirà che fare troppe cose alla volta non rientra fra i suoi tanti talenti?
Per chiunque altro ci sarebbe ben poco da ridere… Ma le risate di Jacky contageranno anche te!
- ISBN: 8831003712
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 352
- Data di uscita: 23-07-2020
The first thing I want to point out is that Jacky is not funny. We'll just get that out of the way. I know it's a kid's book, but I really feel like the age group that the story is geared towards would find the jokes really lame. My main issue with this book though is the terrible parenting and bad
I love the little illustrations in this book; they are extremely well done, even in black & white. The print is easy to read (not too small) and the dialogue is age-appropriate. I would definitely recommend this to middle-school-aged children, as well as older audiences who would enjoy quick, humoro Leggi tutto
This book was a Goodreads win, thank you. I received this book from Jimmy Patterson Books. I look forward to reading it and passing it onto my grandchild. Read, cute story, I think my grand-kids will love it being military brats they will certainly like the bit about families in service to their coun Leggi tutto
I got this book in a giveaway on Goodreads for an honest opinion. I really liked this book! I enjoy young adult and middle school fiction and this was a really fun read. Jacky "Ha-Ha" Hart is a fun, lively character. She's in a pickle this summer because her family is asking for her to get a job and Leggi tutto
How do I hate thee? let me count the ways: Stereotypes Borderline Racist Overtly Sexist (I'M SO NOT KIDDING HERE, IT'S GROSS) Cardboard characters Plot that is so wacky it's too wacky for it's own good. This book is awful. Please don't read it.
This book was so funny and lighthearted! All the characters were great and the main character was funny and a great narrator. I also have the biggest crush on Schuyler, who is one of the most bad ass characters in the book, like seriously he is such a doll.
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